Glass Toys dildos

Why you should have at least one Glass toy in your collection!

Glass toys are a great way to experiment with temperature play, couples wanting to use toys together and anyone with sensitive skin.

31EWRPAAghL._AC_UL320_SR214,320_ Glass toys are incredibly  sturdy and shatter proof.icicles-no-48-flowered-glass-butt-plug-pink-3ee
They are also incredibly hygienic and easily cleaned and stored.

Test out temperature play
Run the toy under warm water or place it in the microwave to heat things up,
Chill  under cold water or put it in the freezer for a cool sensation.

Use with a “friend”
Since the glass is completely body safe and nonporous it wont hold bacteria.
Simply wipe down with an antibacterial wipe/cloth or wash it with soap water.
You can clean the toy how ever you see fit without causing any damage.

Glass is great for anyone with sensitive skin or allergies.
They come in many shapes, forms and sizes.
Butt plugs, wands and dildos are the most popular.








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